generate data 2d utils
Extension of towards 2D histograms
full signature:
def goodnoise_nd(shape, fstd=None, kmaxscale=0.25, ncomponents=3)
generate one sample of 'good' noise consisting of fourier components
generalization of goodnoise (see generate_data_utils) to arbitrary number of dimensions
input args:
- shape: a tuple, shape of the noise array to be sampled
note: in case of 1D, a comma is needed e.g. shape = (30,) else it will be automatically parsed to int and raise an error
- fstd: an array of shape given by shape argument,
used for scaling of the amplitude of the noise bin-by-bin
(default: no scaling).
- kmaxscale: scale factor to limit maximum frequency (lower kmaxscale means smoother noise)
note: can be a tuple with same length as shape, to scale differently in different dimensions.
- ncomponents: number of random sines to add per dimension
note: can be a tuple with same length as shape, to use a different number of components in different dimensions.
- numpy array of shape detailed by shape argument containing the noise
full signature:
def whitenoise_nd(shape, fstd=None)
generate one sample of white noise (standard normally distributed, uncorrelated between bins)
generalization of whitenoise (see generate_data_utils) to arbitrary number of dimensions
input args:
- shape: a tuple, shape of the noise array to be sampled
note: in case of 1D, a comma is needed e.g. shape = (30,) else it will be automatically parsed to int and raise an error
- fstd: an array of shape given by shape argument,
used for scaling of the amplitude of the noise bin-by-bin
(default: no scaling).
- numpy array of shape detailed by shape argument containing the noise
full signature:
def random_lico_nd(hists)
generate one linear combination of histograms with random coefficients in (0,1) summing to 1.
generalization of random_lico (see generate_data_utils) to arbitrary number of dimensions.
input args:
- numpy array of shape (nhists,<arbitrary number of additional dimensions>)
- numpy array of shape (<same dimensions as input>), containing the new histogram
full signature:
def fourier_noise_nd(hists, outfilename=None, doplot=False, ntarget=None, nresamples=1, nonnegative=True, stdfactor=15., kmaxscale=0.25, ncomponents=3)
apply fourier noise on random histograms with simple flat amplitude scaling.
generalization of fourier_noise (see generate_data_utils) to arbitrary number of dimensions.
input args:
- hists: numpy array of shape (nhists,<arbitrary number of dimensions>) used for seeding
- outfilename: path to csv file to write results to (default: no writing)
- doplot: boolean whether to make a plot of some examples (only for 2D histograms!)
- ntarget: total target number of histograms (default: use nresamples instead)
- nresamples: number of samples to draw per input histogram
(note: ignored if ntarget is not None)
- nonnegative: boolean whether to set all bins to minimum zero after applying noise
- stdfactor: factor to scale magnitude of noise (larger factor = smaller noise)
- kmaxscale and ncomponents: see goodnoise_nd
full signature:
def white_noise_nd(hists, doplot=False, ntarget=None, nresamples=1, nonnegative=True, stdfactor=15.)
apply white noise to the histograms in hists.
generalization of white_noise (see generate_data_utils) to arbitrary number of dimensions.
input args:
- hists: np array (nhists,<arbitrary number of dimensions>) containing input histograms
- doplot: boolean whether to plot some examples (only for 2D histograms!)
- ntarget: total target number of histograms (default: use nresamples instead)
- nresamples: number of samples to draw per input histogram
(note: ignored if ntarget is not None)
- nonnegative: boolean whether to set all bins to minimum zero after applying noise
- stdfactor: scaling factor of white noise amplitude (higher factor = smaller noise)
full signature:
def resample_lico_nd(hists, doplot=False, ntarget=None, nonnegative=True)
take random linear combinations of input histograms
generalization of fourier_noise (see generate_data_utils) to arbitrary number of dimensions.
input args:
- hists: numpy array of shape (nhists,<arbitrary number of dimensions>) used for seeding
- doplot: boolean whether to plot some examples (only for 2D histograms!)
- ntarget: total target number of histograms (default: same as number of input histograms)
- nonnegative: boolean whether to set all bins to minimum zero after applying noise
note: coefficients in linear combination are always nonnegative,
so this setting is superfluous is input histograms are all nonnegative