Plot histograms in a loop, making a plot per run
This allows to relatively quickly scan all runs or a collection of runs for either general characteristics of the histograms under investigation or spot anomalies by eye
### imports
# external modules
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import importlib
# internal modules
import hist_utils as hu
import dataframe_utils as dfu
import plot_utils as pu
import clustering_utils as cu
import DataLoader
<module 'DataLoader' from '/eos/home-l/llambrec/SWAN_projects/ML4DQM-DC/tutorials/../src/'>
# global settings
plot_type1 = True
plot_type2 = True
plot_moment = True
# read the data
# note: this cell assumes you have a csv file stored at the specified location,
# containing only histograms of the specified type;
# see the tutorial read_and_write_data for examples on how to create such files!
histname = 'chargeInner_PXLayer_2'
filename = 'DF2017_'+histname+'.csv'
datadir = '../data'
dloader = DataLoader.DataLoader()
df = dloader.get_dataframe_from_file( os.path.join(datadir, filename) )
print('raw input data shape: {}'.format( dfu.get_hist_values(df)[0].shape ))
# first select a set of reference histograms (for plot type 2)
# note: depending on the type of histogram you are looking at, the runs hard-coded below might not be good reference runs at all!
# these runs are chosen just to show the principle of how to do a selection and make the plots shown below.
refhists = hu.preparedatafromdf(dfu.select_dcson(dfu.select_runs(df,[297056,297177,301449])),donormalize=True)
# filter the data
#df = dfu.select_golden(df)
#df = dfu.select_notgolden(df)
df = dfu.select_dcson(df)
#df = dfu.select_dcsoff(df)
print('filtered number of LS: '+str(len(df)))
# start loop over runs
runs = dfu.get_runs(df)
print('number of runs: '+str(len(runs)))
runs = runs[:10]
print('will loop over following runs: '+str(runs))
for run in runs:
print('run '+str(run))
dfr = dfu.select_runs(df,[run])
# get histograms
(hists,_,ls) = dfu.get_hist_values(dfr)
# plot type 1
if plot_type1:
# plot type 2
if plot_type2:
normhists = hu.normalizehists(hists)
pu.plot_sets([refhists,normhists],colorlist=['blue','red'],labellist=['reference runs','this run'],transparencylist=[0.1,1.])
# get moments
if plot_moment:
nmoments = 3
moments = np.zeros((len(hists),nmoments))
xmin = 0. # some sort of normalization
xmax = 1. # some sort of normalization
nbins = hists.shape[1]
binwidth = (xmax-xmin)/nbins
bins = np.linspace(xmin+binwidth/2,xmax-binwidth/2,num=nbins,endpoint=True)
for i in range(1,nmoments+1):
moments[:,i-1] = hu.moment(bins,hists,i)
dists = np.zeros(len(ls))
for i in range(len(ls)):
dists[i] = cu.avgnndist(moments,i,2)
INFO in DataLoader.get_dataframe_from_file: loading dataframe from file ../data/DF2017_chargeInner_PXLayer_2.csv...
INFO in DataLoader.get_dataframe_from_file: sorting the dataframe...
INFO in DataLoader.get_dataframe_from_file: loaded a dataframe with 225954 rows and 16 columns.
raw input data shape: (225954, 102)
filtered number of LS: 215144
number of runs: 594
will loop over following runs: [297047, 297048, 297049, 297050, 297056, 297057, 297099, 297100, 297101, 297113]
run 297047
run 297048
run 297049
run 297050
run 297056
run 297057
run 297099
run 297100
run 297101
run 297113