ModelInterface: extension of Model class interfaced by HistStruct
This class is the interface between a Model (holding classifiers and fitters)
and a HistStruct (holding histogram data).
It stores the classifier and model scores for the histograms in a HistStruct.
[class] ModelInterface
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⤷ __init__
full signature:
def __init__( self, histnames )
input arguments:
- histnames: list of the histogram names for this Model(Interface).
⤷ __str__
full signature:
def __str__( self )
get a printable representation of a ModelInterface
⤷ add_setname
full signature:
def add_setname( self, setname )
initialize empty scores for extended set
input arguments:
- setname: name of extended set
⤷ check_setname
full signature:
def check_setname( self, setname )
check if a setname is present
input arguments:
- setname: name of the set to check
⤷ check_setnames
full signature:
def check_setnames( self, setnames )
check if all names in a list of set names are present
⤷ check_scores
full signature:
def check_scores( self, histnames=None, setnames=None )
check if scores are present for a given set name
input arguments:
- histnames: list of histogram names for which to check the scores (default: all)
- setname: list of set names for which to check the scores (default: standard set)
⤷ check_globalscores
full signature:
def check_globalscores( self, setnames=None )
check if global scores are present for a given set name
input arguments:
- setname: list of set names for which to check the scores (default: standard set)
⤷ evaluate_store_classifier
full signature:
def evaluate_store_classifier( self, histname, histograms, mask=None, setname=None )
same as Model.evaluate_classifier but store the result internally
input arguments:
- histname: histogram name for which to evaluate the classifier
- histograms: the histograms for evaluation, np array of shape (nhistograms,nbins)
- mask: a np boolean array masking the histograms to be evaluated
- setname: name of extended set (default: standard set)
⤷ evaluate_store_classifiers
full signature:
def evaluate_store_classifiers( self, histograms, mask=None, setname=None )
same as Model.evaluate_classifiers but store the result internally
input arguments:
- histograms: dict of histnames to histogram arrays (shape (nhistograms,nbins))
- mask: a np boolean array masking the histograms to be evaluated
- setname: name of extended set (default: standard set)
⤷ evaluate_store_fitter
full signature:
def evaluate_store_fitter( self, points, mask=None, setname=None, verbose=False )
same as Model.evaluate_fitter but store the result internally
input arguments:
- points: dict matching histnames to scores (np array of shape (nhistograms))
- mask: a np boolean array masking the histograms to be evaluated
- setname: name of extended set (default: standard set)
⤷ get_scores
full signature:
def get_scores( self, setnames=None, histname=None )
get the scores stored internally
input arguments:
- setnames: list of names of extended sets (default: standard set)
- histname: name of histogram type for which to get the scores
if specified, an array of scores is returned.
if not, a dict matching histnames to arrays of scores is returned.
⤷ get_globalscores
full signature:
def get_globalscores( self, setnames=None )
get the global scores stored internally
input arguments:
- setnames: list of name of extended sets (default: standard set)
⤷ get_globalscores_mask
full signature:
def get_globalscores_mask( self, setnames=None, score_up=None, score_down=None )
get a mask of global scores within boundaries
input arguments:
- setnames: list of name of extended sets (default: standard set)
- score_up and score_down are upper and lower thresholds
if both are not None, the mask for global scores between the boundaries are returned
if score_up is None, the mask for global score > score_down are returned
if score_down is None, the mask for global score < score_up are returned
⤷ get_globalscores_indices
full signature:
def get_globalscores_indices( self, setnames=None, score_up=None, score_down=None )
get the indices of global scores within boundaries
input arguments:
- setnames: list of name of extended sets (default: standard set)
- score_up and score_down are upper and lower thresholds
if both are not None, the indices with global scores between the boundaries are returned
if score_up is None, the indices with global score > score_down are returned
if score_down is None, the indices with global score < score_up are returned
⤷ train_partial_fitters
full signature:
def train_partial_fitters( self, dimslist, points, **kwargs )
train partial fitters on a given set of dimensions
input arguments:
- dimslist: list of tuples with integer dimension numbers
- points: dict matching histnames to scores (np array of shape (nhistograms))
- kwargs: additional keyword arguments for fitting
⤷ save
full signature:
def save( self, path, save_classifiers=True, save_fitter=True )
save a ModelInterface object to a pkl file
input arguments:
- path where to store the file
- save_classifiers: a boolean whether to include the classifiers (alternative: only scores)
- save_fitter: a boolean whether to include the fitter (alternative: only scores)
⤷ load
full signature:
def load( self, path, load_classifiers=True, load_fitter=True, verbose=False )
load a ModelInterface object
input arguments:
- path to a zip file containing a ModelInterface object
- load_classifiers: a boolean whether to load the classifiers if present
- load_fitter: a boolean whether to load the fitter if present
- verbose: boolean whether to print some information