
HistStruct: consistent treatment of multiple histogram types

The HistStruct class is the main data structure used within this framework.
A HistStruct object basically consists of a mutually consistent collection of numpy arrays,
where each numpy array corresponds to one histogram type, with dimensions (number of histograms, number of bins).
The HistStruct has functions to easily perform the following common tasks (among others):

When only processing a single histogram type, the HistStruct might be a bit of an overkill.
One could instead choose to operate on the dataframe directly.
However, especially when using multiple histogram types, the HistStruct is very handy to keep everything consistent.

[class] HistStruct


(no valid documentation found)  

⤷ __init__

full signature:

def __init__( self )  


empty initializer, setting all containers to empty defaults  
a HistStruct object has the following properties:  
histnames: list of histogram names  
histograms: dict mapping histogram name to 2D numpy array of histograms (shape (nhists,nbins))  
nentries: dict mapping histogram name to 1D numpy array of number of entries per histogram (same length as histograms)  
histranges: dict mapping histogram name to tuple with (xmin, xmax)  
runnbs: 1D numpy array of run numbers (same length as histograms)  
lsnbs: 1D numpy array of lumisection numbers (same length as histograms)  
masks: dict mapping name to 1D numpy array of booleans (same length as histograms) that can be used for masking  
exthistograms: dict of dicts similar to histograms for additional (e.g. artificially generated) histograms  
setnames: list of names of extended sets  
models: dict mapping model names to ModelInterfaces  
modelnames: list of model names  

⤷ __str__

full signature:

def __str__( self )  


get a printable representation of a HistStruct  

⤷ save

full signature:

def save( self, path, save_models=False, save_classifiers=True, save_fitter=True )  


save a HistStruct object to a pkl file  
input arguments:  
- path where to store the file (appendix .zip is automatically appended)  
- save_models: a boolean whether to include the models if present in the HistStruct  
- save_classifiers: a boolean whether to include the classifiers if present in the ModelInterfaces  
- save_fitter: a boolean whether to include the fitter if present in the ModelInterfaces  

⤷ load

full signature:

def load( self, path, load_models=True, load_classifiers=True, load_fitter=True, verbose=False )  


load a HistStruct object  
input arguments:  
- path to a zip file containing a HistStruct object  
- load_models: a boolean whether to load the models if present  
- load_classifiers: a boolean whether to load the classifiers if present  
- load_fitter: a boolean whether to load the fitter if present  
- verbose: boolean whether to print some information  

⤷ add_dataframe

full signature:

def add_dataframe( self, df, cropslices=None, rebinningfactor=None,  smoothinghalfwindow=None, smoothingweights=None, averagewindow=None, averageweights=None, donormalize=True )  


add a dataframe to a HistStruct  
input arguments:  
- df: a pandas dataframe as read from the input csv files  
- cropslices: list of slices (one per dimension) by which to crop the histograms  
               see hist_utils.py / crophists for more info.  
- rebinningfactor: factor by which to group bins together  
                   see hist_utils.py / rebinhists for more info.  
- smoothinghalfwindow: half window (int for 1D, tuple for 2D) for doing smoothing of histograms  
- smoothingweights: weight array (1D for 1D, 2D for 2D) for smoothing of histograms  
                    see hist_utils.py / smoothhists for more info.  
- averagewindow: window (int or tuple) for averaging each histogram with its neighbours  
- averageweights: weights for averaging each histogram with its neighbours  
                  see hist_utils.py / running_average_hists for more info.  
- donormalize: boolean whether to normalize the histograms  
               see hist_utils.py / normalizehists for more info.  
- the new dataframe can contain one or multiple histogram types  
- the new dataframe must contain the same run and lumisection numbers (for each histogram type in it)  
  as already present in the HistStruct, except if it is the first one to be added  
- alternative to adding the dataframe with the preprocessing options,   
  one can also apply the preprocessing at a later stage using the preprocess() function  
  with the same arguments.  

⤷ add_histograms

full signature:

def add_histograms( self, histname, histograms, runnbs, lsnbs, nentries=None )  


add a set of histograms to a HistStruct  
input arguments:  
- histname: name of the histogram type to be added  
- histograms: a numpy array of shape (nhistograms,nbins), assumed to be of a single type  
- runnbs: a 1D list or array of length nhistograms containing the run number per histogram  
- lsnbs: a 1D list or array of length nhistograms containing the lumisection number per histogram  
- nentries: a 1D list or array of length nhistograms containing the number of entries per histogram  
  - must be provided explicitly since histograms might be normalized,   
    in which case the number of entries cannot be determined from the sum of bin contents.  
  - used for (de-)selecting histograms with sufficient statistics;   
    if you don't need that type of selection, nentries can be left at default.  
  - default is None, meaning all entries will be set to zero.  
- no preprocessing is performed, this is assumed to have been done manually (if needed) before adding the histograms  
- runnbs and lsnbs must correspond to what is already in the current HistStruct, except if this is the first set of histogram to be added  
- see also add_dataframe for an alternative way of adding histograms  

⤷ preprocess

full signature:

def preprocess( self, masknames=None, cropslices=None, rebinningfactor=None, smoothinghalfwindow=None, smoothingweights=None, averagewindow=None, averageweights=None, donormalize=False )  


do preprocessing  
input arguments:  
- masknames: names of masks to select histograms to which to apply the preprocessing  
              (histograms not passing the masks are simply copied)  
the other input arguments are equivalent to those given in add_dataframe,  
but this function allows to do preprocessing after the dataframes have already been loaded  
note: does not work on extended histograms sets!  
      one needs to apply preprocessing before generating extra histograms.  

⤷ add_globalscores

full signature:

def add_globalscores( self, globalscores )  


add an array of global scores (one per lumisection)  
input arguments:  
- globalscores: 1D numpy array of scores (must have same length as lumisection and run numbers)  

⤷ add_extglobalscores

full signature:

def add_extglobalscores( self, extname, globalscores )  


add an array of global scores (one per lumisection) for a specified extra set of histograms in the HistStruct  
input arguments:  
- extname: name of extra histogram set  
- globalscores: 1D numpy array of scores  
note: this function checks if all histogram types in this set contain the same number of histograms,  
      (and that this number corresponds to the length of globalscores)  
      else adding globalscores is meaningless  

⤷ add_exthistograms

full signature:

def add_exthistograms( self, setname, histname, histograms, overwrite=False )  


add a set of extra histograms to a HistStruct  
these histograms are not assumed to correspond to physical run/lumisections numbers (e.g. resampled ones),  
and no consistency checks are done  
input arguments:  
- setname: name of the extra histogram set (you can add multiple, e.g. resampled_good, resampled_bad and/or resampled_training)  
- histname: name of the histogram type  
- histograms: a numpy array of shape (nhistograms,nbins)  
- overwrite: boolean whether to overwrite a set of histograms of the same name if present (default: raise exception)  

⤷ add_mask

full signature:

def add_mask( self, name, mask )  


add a mask to a HistStruct  
input arguments:  
- name: a name for the mask  
- mask: a 1D np array of booleans with same length as number of lumisections in HistStruct  

⤷ remove_mask

full signature:

def remove_mask( self, name )  


inverse operation of add_mask  

⤷ add_index_mask

full signature:

def add_index_mask( self, name, indices )  


add a mask corresponding to predefined indices  
input arguments:  
- name: a name for the mask  
- indices: a 1D np array of integer indices, between 0 and the number of lumisections in HistStruct  

⤷ add_run_mask

full signature:

def add_run_mask( self, name, runnb )  


add a mask corresponding to a given run number  
input arguments:  
- name: a name for the mask  
- runnb: run number  

⤷ add_multirun_mask

full signature:

def add_multirun_mask( self, name, runnbs )  


add a mask corresponding to a given list of run numbers  
input arguments:  
- name: a name for the mask  
- runnbs: a list of run numbers  

⤷ add_json_mask

full signature:

def add_json_mask( self, name, jsondict )  


add a mask corresponding to a json dict  
input arguments:  
- name: a name for the mask  
- jsondict: a dictionary in typical json format (see the golden json file for inspiration)  
all lumisections present in the jsondict will be masked True, the others False.  

⤷ add_goldenjson_mask

full signature:

def add_goldenjson_mask( self, name )  


add a mask corresponding to the golden json file  
input arguments:  
- name: a name for the mask  

⤷ add_dcsonjson_mask

full signature:

def add_dcsonjson_mask( self, name )  


add a mask corresponding to the DCS-bit on json file  
input arguments:  
- name: a name for the mask  

⤷ add_stat_mask

full signature:

def add_stat_mask( self, name, histnames=None, min_entries_to_bins_ratio=-1, max_entries_to_bins_ratio=-1 )  


add a mask corresponding to lumisections where all histograms have statistics within given bounds  
input arguments:  
- histnames: list of histogram names to take into account for making the mask (default: all in the HistStruct)  
- min_entries_to_bins_ratio: number of entries divided by number of bins, lower boundary for statistics   
  (default: no lower boundary)  
- max_entries_to_bins_ratio: same but upper boundary instead of lower boundary (default: no upper boundary)  

⤷ add_highstat_mask

full signature:

def add_highstat_mask( self, name, histnames=None, entries_to_bins_ratio=100 )  


shorthand call to add_stat_mask with only lower boundary and no upper boundary for statistics  
input arguments:  
- entries_to_bins_ratio: number of entries divided by number of bins, lower boundary for statistics  
others: see add_stat_mask  

⤷ pass_masks

full signature:

def pass_masks( self, masknames, runnbs=None, lsnbs=None )  


get a list of booleans of lumisections whether they pass a given set of masks  
input arguments:  
- masknames: list of mask names  
- runnbs: list of run numbers (default: all in histstruct)  
- lsnbs: list of lumisection numbers (equally long as runnbs) (default: al in histstruct)  

⤷ get_masknames

full signature:

def get_masknames( self )  


return a list of all mask names in the current HistStruct  

⤷ get_mask

full signature:

def get_mask( self, name )  


return a mask in the current HistStruct  

⤷ get_combined_mask

full signature:

def get_combined_mask( self, names )  


get a combined (intersection) mask given multiple mask names  
mostly for internal use; externally you can use get_histograms( histname, <list of mask names>) directly  

⤷ get_union_mask

full signature:

def get_union_mask( self, names )  


get a combined (union) mask given multiple mask names  
mostly for internal use  

⤷ get_runnbs

full signature:

def get_runnbs( self, masknames=None )  


get the array of run numbers, optionally after masking  
input arguments:  
- masknames: list of names of masks (default: no masking, return full array)  

⤷ get_runnbs_unique

full signature:

def get_runnbs_unique( self, masknames=None )  


get a list of unique run numbers  

⤷ get_lsnbs

full signature:

def get_lsnbs( self, masknames=None )  


get the array of lumisection numbers, optionally after masking  
input arguments:  
- masknames: list of names of masks (default: no masking, return full array)  

⤷ get_index

full signature:

def get_index( self, runnb, lsnb )  


get the index in the current HistStruct of a given run and lumisection number  
input arguments:  
- runnb and lsnb: run and lumisection number respectively  

⤷ get_scores

full signature:

def get_scores( self, modelname, histname=None, setnames=None, masknames=None )  


get the array of scores for a given model and for a given histogram type, optionally after masking  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to retrieve the scores  
- histname: name of the histogram type for which to retrieve the score.   
  if None, return a dict matching histnames to arrays of scores  
- setnames: list of names of the histogram sets (use None for standard set)  
- masknames: list of names of masks (default: no masking, return full array)  
- do not use setnames and masknames simultaneously, this is not defined  
- if multiple masks are given, the intersection is taken;  
  if multiple sets are given, the union is taken  
- the classifiers in the appropriate model must have been evaluated before calling this method!  

⤷ get_scores_array

full signature:

def get_scores_array( self, modelname, setnames=None, masknames=None )  


similar to get_scores, but with different return type:  
np array of shape (nhistograms, nhistogramtypes)  

⤷ get_extscores

full signature:

def get_extscores( self, extname, histname=None )  


get the array of scores for a given histogram type in a given extra set.  
input arguments:  
- extname: name of the extra set (see also add_exthistograms)  
- histname: name of the histogram type for which to retrieve the score.   
  if None, return a dict matching histnames to arrays of scores  
- this method takes the scores from the HistStruct.extscores attribute;  
  make sure to have evaluated the classifiers before calling this method,  
  else an exception will be thrown.  

⤷ get_extscores_array

full signature:

def get_extscores_array( self, extname )  


similar to get_extscores, but with different return type:  
np array of shape (nhistograms, nhistogramtypes)  

⤷ get_scores_ls

full signature:

def get_scores_ls( self, modelname, runnb, lsnb, histnames=None )  


get the scores for a given run/lumisection number and for given histogram names  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to retrieve the score  
- runnb: run number  
- lsnb: lumisection number  
- histnames: names of the histogram types for which to retrieve the score.   
- a dict matching each name in histnames to a score (or None if no valid score)  

⤷ get_globalscores

full signature:

def get_globalscores( self, modelname, setnames=None, masknames=None )  


get the array of global scores, optionally after masking  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to retrieve the global score  
- setnames: list of names of the histogram sets (use None for standard set)  
- masknames: list of names of masks (default: no masking, return full array)  
- do not use setnames and masknames simultaneously, this is not defined  
- if multiple masks are given, the intersection is taken;  
  if multiple sets are given, the union is taken  
- the classifiers in the appropriate model must have been evaluated before calling this method!  

⤷ get_globalscores_jsonformat

full signature:

def get_globalscores_jsonformat( self, modelname=None )  


make a json format listing all lumisections in this histstruct  
the output list has entries for global scores and masks  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for wich to retrieve the global score  
  if None, all available models will be used  

⤷ get_globalscore_ls

full signature:

def get_globalscore_ls( self, modelname, runnb, lsnb )  


get the global score for a given run/lumisection number  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to retrieve the global score  
- runnb: run number  
- lsnb: lumisection number  
- histnames: names of the histogram types for which to retrieve the score.   
- a dict matching each name in histnames to a score (or None if no valid score)  

⤷ get_globalscores_mask

full signature:

def get_globalscores_mask( self, modelname, masknames=None, setnames=None, score_up=None, score_down=None )  


get the mask for global score between specified boundaries  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to consider the global scores  
- masknames: list of additional masks (on top of score boundaries) to consider  
- setnames: list of set names for which to retrieve the global scores  
- score_up and score_down are upper and lower thresholds  
    if both are not None, the mask for global scores between the boundaries are returned  
    if score_up is None, the mask for global score > score_down are returned  
    if score_down is None, the mask for global score < score_up are returned  

⤷ get_globalscores_indices

full signature:

def get_globalscores_indices( self, modelname, masknames=None, setnames=None, score_up=None, score_down=None )  


get the indices with a global score between specified boundaries  
input arguments: see get_globalscore_mask  

⤷ get_globalscores_runsls

full signature:

def get_globalscores_runsls( self, modelname, masknames=None, setnames=None, score_up=None, score_down=None )  


get the run and lumisection numbers with a global score between specified boundaries  
input arguments: see get_globalscore_mask  

⤷ get_extglobalscores

full signature:

def get_extglobalscores( self, extname )  


get the array of global scores for one of the extra histogram sets  
input arguments:  
- extname: name of the extra histogram set  
- this method takes the scores from the HistStruct.extglobalscores attribute;  
  make sure to have set this attribute with add_extglobalscores,  
  else an exception will be thrown.  

⤷ get_histograms

full signature:

def get_histograms( self, histname=None, masknames=None, setnames=None )  


get the array of histograms for a given type, optionally after masking  
input arguments:  
- histname: name of the histogram type to retrieve   
  if None, return a dict matching histnames to arrays of histograms  
- masknames: list of names of masks (default: no masking, return full array)  
- setnames: list of names of the sets of extra histograms (see also add_exthistograms)  
  if multiple setnames are provided, the union/concatenation is returned  

⤷ get_histogramsandscores

full signature:

def get_histogramsandscores( self, modelname=None, setnames=None, masknames=None, nrandoms=-1, nfirst=-1 )  


combination of get_histograms, get_scores and get_globalscores with additional options  
- modelname: name of the model for which to retrieve the score  
  if None, no scores will be retrieved (only histograms)  
- setnames: list of names of histogram sets (use None for default set)  
- masknames: list of names of masks  
- nrandoms: if > 0, number of random instances to draw  
- nfirst: if > 0, number of first instances to keep  
return type:  
dict with keys 'histograms', 'scores' and 'globalscores'  
note that the values of scores and globalscores may be None if not initialized  

⤷ add_model

full signature:

def add_model( self, modelname, model )  


add a model to the HistStruct  
input arguments:  
- modelname: a name for the model  
- model: an instance of ModelInterface class with histnames corresponding to the ones for this HistStruct  

⤷ check_model

full signature:

def check_model( self, modelname )  


check if a given model name is present in the HistStruct  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model to check  

⤷ remove_model

full signature:

def remove_model( self, modelname )  


remove a model  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model to remove  

⤷ train_classifier

full signature:

def train_classifier( self, modelname, histname, masknames=None, setnames=None, **kwargs )  


train a histogram classifier  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to train the classifiers  
- histname: a valid histogram name present in the HistStruct for which to train the classifier  
- masknames: list of masks the classifiers should be trained on  
- setnames: list of names of sets of extra histograms on which the classifiers should be trained  
- kwargs: additional keyword arguments for training  

⤷ train_classifiers

full signature:

def train_classifiers( self, modelname, masknames=None, setnames=None, **kwargs )  


train histogram classifiers for all histogram types  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to train the classifiers  
- masknames: list of masks the classifiers should be trained on  
- setnames: list of names of sets of extra histograms on which the classifiers should be trained  
- kwargs: additional keyword arguments for training  

⤷ evaluate_classifier

full signature:

def evaluate_classifier( self, modelname, histname, masknames=None, setnames=None )  


evaluate a histogram classifier  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for wich to evaluate the classifiers  
- histname: a valid histogram name present in the HistStruct for which to evaluate the classifier  
- masknames: list of masks if the classifiers should be evaluated on a subset only (e.g. for speed)  
- setnames: list of names of sets of extra histograms for which the classifiers should be evaluated  

⤷ evaluate_classifiers

full signature:

def evaluate_classifiers( self, modelname, masknames=None, setnames=None )  


evaluate histogram classifiers for all histogram types  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for wich to evaluate the classifiers  
- masknames: list of masks if the classifiers should be evaluated on a subset only (e.g. for speed)  
- setnames: list of names of a set of extra histograms for which the classifiers should be evaluated  

⤷ set_fitter

full signature:

def set_fitter( self, modelname, fitter )  


set the fitter for a given model  

⤷ train_fitter

full signature:

def train_fitter( self, modelname, masknames=None, setnames=None, verbose=False, **kwargs )  


train the fitter for a given model  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model to train  
- masknames: list of mask names for training set  
- setnames: list of set names for training set  
- kwargs: additional keyword arguments for fitting  
note: use either masksnames or setnames, not both!  

⤷ train_partial_fitters

full signature:

def train_partial_fitters( self, modelname, dimslist, masknames=None, setnames=None, **kwargs )  


train partial fitters for a given model  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model to train  
- dimslist: list of tuples with integer dimension numbers  
- masknames: list of mask names for training set  
- setnames: list of set names for training set  
- kwargs: additional keyword arguments for fitting  
note: use either masksnames or setnames, not both!  
note: see also plot_partial_fit for a convenient plotting method!  

⤷ evaluate_fitter

full signature:

def evaluate_fitter( self, modelname, masknames=None, setnames=None, verbose=False )  


evaluate the fitter for a given model  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to evaluate the fitter  
- masknames: list of mask names if the fitter should be evaluated on a subset only (e.g. for speed)  
- setnames: list of set names of extra histograms for which the fitter should be evaluated  

⤷ evaluate_fitter_on_point

full signature:

def evaluate_fitter_on_point( self, modelname, point )  


evaluate the fitter on a given points  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to evaluate the fitter  
- points: dict matching histnames to scores (one float per histogram type)  
  (e.g. as returned by get_scores_ls)  
- the global score for the provided point (a float)  

⤷ evaluate_fitter_on_points

full signature:

def evaluate_fitter_on_points( self, modelname, points )  


evaluate the fitter on a given set of points  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to evaluate the fitter  
- points: dict matching histnames to scores (np array of shape (nhistograms))  
- the global scores for the provided points  

⤷ plot_histograms

full signature:

def plot_histograms( self, histnames=None, masknames=None, histograms=None, ncols=4, colorlist=[], labellist=[], transparencylist=[],  titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, physicalxax=False,  yaxtitledict=None, **kwargs )  


plot the histograms in a HistStruct, optionally after masking  
input arguments:  
- histnames: list of names of the histogram types to plot (default: all)  
- masknames: list of list of mask names  
  note: each element in masknames represents a set of masks to apply;   
        the histograms passing different sets of masks are plotted in different colors  
- histograms: list of dicts of histnames to 2D arrays of histograms,  
              can be used to plot a given collection of histograms directly,  
              and bypass the histnames and masknames arguments  
              (note: for use in the gui, not recommended outside of it)  
- ncols: number of columns (only relevant for 1D histograms)  
- colorlist: list of matplotlib colors, must have same length as masknames  
- labellist: list of labels for the legend, must have same legnth as masknames  
- transparencylist: list of transparency values, must have same length as masknames  
- titledict: dict mapping histogram names to titles for the subplots (default: title = histogram name)  
- xaxtitledict: dict mapping histogram names to x-axis titles for the subplots (default: no x-axis title)  
- yaxtitledict: dict mapping histogram names to y-axis titles for the subplots (default: no y-axis title)  
- physicalxax: bool whether to use physical x-axis range or simply use bin number (default)  
- kwargs: keyword arguments passed down to plot_utils.plot_sets   

⤷ plot_histograms_1d

full signature:

def plot_histograms_1d( self, histnames=None, masknames=None, histograms=None, ncols=4, colorlist=[], labellist=[], transparencylist=[], titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, physicalxax=False, yaxtitledict=None,  **kwargs )  


plot the histograms in a histstruct, optionally after masking  
internal helper function, use only via plot_histograms  

⤷ plot_histograms_2d

full signature:

def plot_histograms_2d( self, histnames=None, masknames=None, histograms=None, labellist=[], titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, yaxtitledict=None, **kwargs )  


plot the histograms in a histstruct, optionally after masking  
internal helper function, use only via plot_histograms  

⤷ plot_histograms_run

full signature:

def plot_histograms_run( self, histnames=None, masknames=None, histograms=None, ncols=4,  titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, physicalxax=False,  yaxtitledict=None, **kwargs )  


plot a set of histograms in a HistStruct with a smooth color gradient.  
typical use case: plot a single run.  
note: only for 1D histograms!  
input arguments:  
- histnames: list of names of the histogram types to plot (default: all)  
- masknames: list mask names (typically should contain a run number mask)  
- histograms: dict of histnames to 2D arrays of histograms,  
              can be used to plot a given collection of histograms directly,  
              and bypass the histnames and masknames arguments  
              (note: for use in the gui, not recommended outside of it.  
- titledict: dict mapping histogram names to titles for the subplots (default: title = histogram name)  
- xaxtitledict: dict mapping histogram names to x-axis titles for the subplots (default: no x-axis title)  
- yaxtitledict: dict mapping histogram names to y-axis titles for the subplots (default: no y-axis title)  
- physicalxax: bool whether to use physical x-axis range or simply use bin number (default)  
- kwargs: keyword arguments passed down to plot_utils.plot_hists_multi  

⤷ plot_histograms_run_1d

full signature:

def plot_histograms_run_1d( self, histnames=None, masknames=None, histograms=None, ncols=4, titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, physicalxax=False, yaxtitledict=None,  **kwargs )  


plot the histograms in a histstruct, optionally after masking  
internal helper function, use only via plot_histograms_run  

⤷ plot_ls

full signature:

def plot_ls( self, runnb, lsnb, histnames=None, histlabel=None, ncols=4, recohist=None, recohistlabel='Reconstruction',  refhists=None, refhistslabel='Reference histograms', refhiststransparency=None, titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, physicalxax=False, yaxtitledict=None, **kwargs)  


plot the histograms in a HistStruct for a given run/ls number versus their references and/or their reconstruction  
input arguments:  
- runnb: run number  
- lsnb: lumisection number  
- histnames: names of histogram types to plot (default: all)  
- histlabel: legend entry for the histogram (default: run and lumisection number)  
- recohist: dict matching histogram names to reconstructed histograms  
  notes: - 'reconstructed histograms' refers to e.g. autoencoder or NMF reconstructions;  
           some models (e.g. simply looking at histogram moments) might not have this kind of reconstruction  
         - in principle one histogram per key is expected, but still the the shape must be 2D (i.e. (1,nbins))  
         - in case recohist is set to a valid model name present in the current HistStruct,   
           the reconstruction is calculated on the fly for the input histograms  
- recohistlabel: legend entry for the reco histograms  
- refhists: dict matching histogram names to reference histograms  
  notes: - multiple histograms (i.e. a 2D array) per key are expected;  
           in case there is only one reference histogram, it must be reshaped into (1,nbins)  
- refhistslabel: legend entry for the reference histograms  
- titledict: dict mapping histogram names to titles for the subplots (default: title = histogram name)  
- xaxtitledict: dict mapping histogram names to x-axis titles for the subplots (default: no x-axis title)  
- yaxtitledict: dict mapping histogram names to y-axis titles for the subplots (default: no y-axis title)  
- physicalxax: bool whether to use physical x-axis range or simply use bin number (default)  
- kwargs: keyword arguments passed down to plot_utils.plot_sets   

⤷ plot_run

full signature:

def plot_run( self, runnb, masknames=None, ncols=4,  recohist=None, recohistlabel='reco',  refhists=None, refhistslabel='reference', doprint=False)  


call plot_ls for all lumisections in a given run  

⤷ plot_ls_1d

full signature:

def plot_ls_1d( self, runnb, lsnb, histnames=None, histlabel=None, ncols=4, recohist=None, recohistlabel='Reconstruction', refhists=None, refhistslabel='Reference histograms', refhiststransparency=None, titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, physicalxax=False, yaxtitledict=None, **kwargs)  


plot the histograms in a HistStruct for a given run/ls number versus their references and/or their reconstruction  
internal helper function, use only via plot_ls  

⤷ plot_ls_2d

full signature:

def plot_ls_2d( self, runnb, lsnb, histnames=None, histlabel=None, recohist=None, recohistlabel='Reconstruction', titledict=None, xaxtitledict=None, yaxtitledict=None, **kwargs)  


plot the histograms in a HistStruct for a given run/ls number versus their reconstruction  
internal helper function, use only via plot_ls  

⤷ plot_ls_score

full signature:

def plot_ls_score( self, modelname, runnb, lsnb, ncols=4, masknames=None, setnames=None, **kwargs )  


plot the score of a given lumisection for each histogram type compared to reference scores  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to retrieve the score  
- runnb: run number  
- lsnb: lumisection number  
- masknames: list of mask names for the reference scores  
- setnames: list of set names for the reference scores  
- kwargs: additional keyword arguments passed down to pu.plot_score_dist  

⤷ plot_partial_fit

full signature:

def plot_partial_fit( self, modelname, dims, clusters, **kwargs)  


plot a partial fit calculated with train_partial_fitters  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to plot the partial fits  
- dims: a tuple of length 1 or 2 with integer dimension indices  
  note: the partial fit for this dimension must have been calculated with train_partial_fitters first  
- clusters: a list of the different point clusters to plot  
            each element in the list should be a dict of the form   
            {'masknames': [list of mask names]} or {'setnames': [list of set names]}  
- kwargs: plot options passed down to pu.plot_fit_1d_clusters or pu.plot_fit_2d_clusters;  
          some of them have to have the same length as clusters (e.g. colors and labels)  

⤷ plot_score_dist

full signature:

def plot_score_dist( self, modelname, histname=None,  masknames_sig=None, setnames_sig=None,  masknames_bkg=None, setnames_bkg=None, **kwargs )  


plot a 1D score distribution  
input arguments:  
- modelname: name of the model for which to retrieve the scores  
- histname: type of histogram for which to retrieve the scores  
            if None, the global scores will be retrieved  
- masknames_sig, setnames_sig: lists of mask or set names for signal distribution  
- masknames_bkg, setnames_bkg: lists of mask or set names for background distribution  
  note: in case of multiple masks, the intersection is taken (as usual);  
        in case of multiple sets, the union is taken!  
- kwargs: additional keyword arguments passed down to pu.plot_score_dist