Run the ML4DQM functionality using the GUI on SWAN

How to start the program

Simply download the repository and open the notebook nbgui.ipynb in SWAN.

Downloading the repository

See the README in the parent folder for more explanation.

Where to start?

The starting screen of the GUI shows a number of tabs for several actions one can perform.
Usually one would start by loading a previously stored HistStruct (a structure containing all relevant histograms and classifiers) via the 'Load' tab, or create a new one via the 'New' tab. Many of the other tabs will not work if you have not loaded or created a valid HistStruct first. To create a HistStruct, the GUI expects input files in a specific format, see below.

Input files

Some example input files are provided on this CERNBox location.
They are skimmed versions of the centrally provided (legacy) csv files with monintoring elements (both 1D and 2D histograms) with a per-lumisection granularity. The central files are available on EOS: /eos/project/c/cmsml4dc/ML_2020. Starting from 2022 data-taking, nanoDQMIO files are supposed to be the main central input. They can however be preprocessed into small csv files fully compatible with the legacy ones. See the main README and the folder dqmio in this repository for more information.

The HistStruct object

The 'HistStruct' is the central object used in this program. It contains all relevant histograms (depending on the target run, training runs and histogram types) and their respective classifiers in a structured way.

Selecting subsets of histograms, e.g. for classifier training or evaluation, is managed by using masks, which you can initialize when creating the HistStruct. There are three types of masks:

Typical workflow

After having loaded or created a new HistStruct object, you can start the training and evaluation of histogram classifiers. A typical workflow would consist of (most of) the following steps:

Example usage

Some examples on how to use the GUI are put in slides and collected on this CERNBox location. To do: update!