Some utilities and example notebooks for ML4DQM/DC

This repository contains example code for the ML4DQM/DC project.
It was developed with the idea of training autoencoders on the per-lumisection histograms stored in dedicated DQMIO files in order to (partially) automate the DQM and/or DC process. However, it is intended to be generally useful for any ML4DQM/DC study (i.e. any subsystem, any type of histogram, any classification method).

In more detail:

Structure of this repository

There are six important directories: dqmio, tutorials, utils, src, runswan and omsapi.
The other directories in the repository contain either data or meta-information (e.g. for documentation).
In more detail (in order of most likely appearance):


Some tutorials are located in the tutorials folder in this repository, that should help you get started with the code. They can be grouped into different steps:

Graphical interface

See more info in the dedicated README in the corresponding folder.

Other remarks

To get the tutorial notebooks running in SWAN

(preferred method):

(alternative method):

Further documentation